Posted by : Unknown Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

--D I G I M O N   W O R L D  (  D I G I V O L U T I O N   F A Q s  )--|

Game Information:

Name                   - Digimon World
Platform               - Playstation
Distributer            - Bandai

Walkthrough Information:

In Depth               - Digivolving
Author                 - Ian Pezzini
Author's Email         -
Version                - 1.2
Copyright              - Ian Pezzini


Version History ( Since 8/16/Y2K )

- Ver 1.0   ( 08/20/Y2K )
  The whole guide is completed. The long list Digivolution are finally

- Ver 1.1   ( 08/24/Y2K )
  Some glitch has been repaired

- Ver 1.2   ( 08/28/Y2K )
  Got items for Kuwagamon and Kabuterimon


Table of Contents:
  - Introduction of Digivolving
  - Hints on raising Digimon
  - How to read the list
  - Baby Digimon
  - In-Training Digimon
  - Rookie Digimon
  - Champion Dgimon
  - Ultimate Digimon
  - GameShark codes ( for DIGIVOLVING ITEMS )
  - GameShark codes ( for DIGIVOLVING DIGIMON's STATISTIC )
  - Request Help ( Please take a look and help me )
  - Credits


 Digimon lives for 15 - 20 days of Digimon World time. Their
Divolving are depended on how well you training, raising, and taking care
of them.

 It takes 6 hours for a Baby Digimon to an In-Training form Digimon.
It takes 1 day and 6 hours for an In-Training Digimon to digivolve to a
Rookie Digimon. It also takes 4  days 6 hours to 5 days and 6 hours to
digivolve from a Rookie Digimon to Champion Digimon. And finally, It takes
anytime after 11 Days and 6 hours to digivolve from a Champion to ULTIMATE

 After 15 to 20 days of life, a digimon fades away and left you four
Digimon egg. Their statistic depend on the strength of departed Digimon and
the condition of its fading away.

 If you need help on this game walkthrough, look to my Full Walk-
through at gamefaqs

If you need pictures of Digimons, Visits this web site :

When a Digimon is in Baby ( after egg digivolution ) and  In-Training form,
the best thing to do is training them in a Gym. Their bubbles attack are
very weak even though they statistic are mmaxed out. Don't try to go battle
any enemy.

**Note :


 Respond to their needs, such as feed them when they are hungry,
give them toilet break, give them sleep, give them rest by talking to
Punimon when they are tired. Also, you have to look at their happiness
and discipline gauges. Battle can increase their discipline gauges.

 Battles are important, it increase your Digimon's discipline,
your Digimon can learns new technique by looking at its enemy moves. If
you want your Digimon to have more option in battle, you have to train its
BRAINS power.

   You have to plan your Digimon Digivolution by looking at the list
of my Digivolving guide. A Digimon has to reach certain weight in order
to digivolve ( look to " Body Weight " on my list ). You also have to be
careful at the number of care mistakes ( Not feeding, fail in potting , or
giving them sleep ). Finally, you have to look at the stats " Condition "
of digivolving.

 Some Digimon are weakened by cold weather. Those
Digimon are:

  - Agumon
  - Greymon
  - Tyranomon
  - Meramon
  - Monochromon
  - Kunemon
  - Kuwagamon
  - Kabuterimon
  - All baby and In-Training Digimon


Discipline make a Digimon become easier to be raised, but it makes
Digimon's life shorter. If your Digimon discipiline is low, it will be
reblious Digimon that won't obey your command in the battle, and of
course it will be harder to be raised.


These are words that you'll see on my list.

    Type:                 <--- Type of Digimon that you will
    Active Hours:         <--- That Digimon will be most
                               active with less tiredness
    Possible Digimon:     <--- This Digimon can be Digivolved
    Care Mistakes:        <--- Necesarry mistakes that you
                               should have done
    Body Weight:          <--- Necesarry weight that the
                               Digimon should have had
    Condition:            <--- THE DIGIMON MUST REACH THIS
                               CONDITION ( NECESSARY )
    Bonus Condition       <--- The Digimon can also Digivolve
                               if they have this condition
    Digivolving Items:    <--- The item that can be used to
                               an automatic Digivolve
    Finishing Technique:  <--- This Digimon Finishing Technique

    Digivolve to :        <--- This Digimon can Digivolved into


 There are FOUR baby Digimon that you can get from the egg. They
are :

  - Green spotted egg
    Digivolve to Botamon
    Type      : Data
    Technique : Bubbles
    Digivolve to : Koromon

  - Blue lined egg
    Digivolve to Punimon
    Type      : Data
    Technique : Bubbles
    Digivolve to : Tsunomon

  - Yellow double lined egg
    Digivolve to Poyomon
    Type      : Data
    Technique : Bubbles
    Digivolve to : Tokomon

  - Pink spotted egg
    Digivolve to Yuramon
    Type      : Data
    Technique : Bubbles
    Digivolve to : Tanemon


 There are four Baby Digimon. They can digivolve to FOUR Kind of
In-Training Digimon.

  - Koromon
    Digivolve from: Botamon
    Type: Data
    Technique: Bubbles
    Digivolve to: Agumon, Gabumon

  - Tsunomon
    Digivolve from: Punimon
    Type: Data
    Technique: Bubbles
    Digivolve to: Elecmon, Pinguinmon

  - Tokomon
    Digivolve from: Poyomon
    Type: Data
    Technique: Bubbles
    Digivolve to: Patamon, Biyomon

  - Tanemon
    Digivolve from: Yuramon
    Type: Data
    Technique: Bubbles
    Digivolve to: Palmon, Betamon

For all Rookie Digimon, when a Digivolution time ends, a Digimon will
into a Numemon when it has met no other Digivolution condition.


 You can digivolve an In-Training Digimon to NINE different kind
of Rookie form.

 When a Digivolution time ends, a Digimon will into a Numemon when
it has met no other Digivolution condition.

 All Rookie Digimon can digivolve into *Sukamon, *Nanimon, and
*Numemon. Those three Champion Digimon are weak and useless ( except
Nanimon, it can digivolve to Digitamamon, Digitamamon is a pretty powerful
Digimon. its standard stats are better than Metal Greymon, you should try
to get this Digitamamon )

  - Agumon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Koromon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Offense must be at the highest stat and also
               10 % of max HP
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tokomon
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Pepper Breath
    Digivolve to : Meramon, Monochromon, Tyranomon, Greymon,
                   Centarumon, Birdramon, Sukamon, Nanimon,

  - Gabumon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
    Possible Digimon: Koromon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Defense or Speed must be at the highest stat
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Koromon
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Blue Blaster
    Digivolve to : Monochromon, Drimogemon, Garuramon,
                   Ogremon, Centarumon, Tyranomon, Nanimon,
                   Sukamon, Numemon

  - Patamon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Tokomon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Offense, Strength, or Brains must be at the
               Highest stats
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tokomon
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Boom Bubble
    Digivolve to : Drimogomon, Tyranomon, Leomon, Angemon,
                   Unimon, Ogremon, Nanimon, Sukamon,

  - Biyomon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Tokomon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Speed must be at the highest stat and also
               10 % of max HP
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tokomon
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Spiral Twister
    Digivolve to : Kabuterimon, Unimon, Airdramon, Birdramon
                   Kokatorimon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

  - Kunemon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: Koromon, Tokomon, Tsunomon, Tanemon
    Care Mistakes: Variable
    Body Weight: Variable
    Condition: A 50% chance exists to a Digimon to
               digivolve  into this when sleeping at
               " Kunemon's Bed "
    Bonus Condition: N/A
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Electric Thread
    Digivolve to : Bakemon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon,
                   Vegiomon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

  - Palmon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
    Possible Digimon: Tanemon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Brains must be at the highest stat and
               also 10 % of max HP
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tanemon
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Poison Ivy
    Digivolve to : Ninjamon, Whamon, Vegiomon, Kuwagamon,
                   Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

  - Betamon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
    Possible Digimon: Tanemon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Defense must be at the highest stat and
               also 10 % of max HP
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tanemon
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Electric Shock
    Digivolve to : Whamon, Seadramon, Coelamon, Shellmon
                   Sukamon, Nanimon, Numemon

  - Elecmon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Tsunomon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Offense or Speed must be at the highest
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tsunomon
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Super Thunder Strike
    Digivolve to : Leomon, Bakemon, Kokatorimon, Angemon,
                   Nanimon, Numemon, Sukamon

  - Penguinmon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Tsunomon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Brains or Defense must be at the highest
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tsunomon
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Super Slap
    Digivolve to : Whamon, Frigimon, Moyjamon, Garuramon,
                   Shellmon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon


 There are TWENTY-NINE Champion that you can get from digivolving
your Rookie Digimon.

 You will spend your most time with Champion Digimon. They are
powerful, hardy and easy to be raised.

 All Rookie Digimon can digivolve into *Sukamon, *Nanimon, and
*Numemon. Those three Champion Digimon are weak and useless ( except
Nanimon, it can digivolve to Digitamamon, Digitamamon is a pretty powerful
Digimon. its standard stats are better than Metal Greymon, you should try
to get this Digitamamon ).

 When your Digimon have been Digivolved to Sukamon, you can
reDigivolve by take that Sukamon to " Sukamon King " in  the " Trash
Mountain "

  - Greymon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Agumon
    Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed 100, and Brains
    Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
    Digivolving Items: Grey Claws
    Finishing Technique: Mega Flame
    Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Skull Greymon, Vademon

  - Tyranomon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
    Possible Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon
    Care Mistakes: 4 to 5
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
    Digivolving Items: White Fang
    Finishing Technique: Blaze Blast
    Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Megadramon, Vademon

  - Angemon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Patamon, Elecmon
    Care Mistakes: 0
    Body Weight: 20g
    Condition: Mp 1000, Brains 100
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Patamon
    Digivolving Items: White Wings
    Finishing Technique: Fist of Fate
    Digivolve to : Devimon, Andromon, Phonixmon, Vademon

  - Devimon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: Angemon
    Care Mistakes: Variable
    Body Weight: Variable
    Condition: An Angemon has 50 % chance to Digigivolve
               to a Devimon when its discipline gauge is
               below 50 % and it loses a battle
    Bonus Condition: N/A
    Digivolving Items: Black Wings
    Finishing Technique: Death Claw
    Digivolve to : Skull Greymon, Mega Dramon, Vademon

  - Meramon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: Agumon
    Care Mistakes: 5+
    Body Weight: 20g
    Condition: Offense 100
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
    Digivolving Items: Fireball
    Finishing Technique: Fireball
    Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Andromon, Vademon

  - AirDramon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Biyomon
    Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Mp 1000, Speed 100, Brains 100
    Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
    Special Condition: A 30 % chance exists to a SeaDramon or
                       Birdamon can Digivolve to AirDramon when
                       they Sleeps with discipline gauge at 100
                       %, happiness at 100 % and tiredness is at
    Digivolving Items: Rainbowhorn
    Finishing Technique: Spinning Needle
    Digivolve to : Mega Dramon, Phoenixmon, Vademon

  - SeaDramon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
    Possible Digimon: Betamon
    Care Mistakes: 3+
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
    Digivolving Items: Water Bottle
    Finishing Technique: Ice Blast
    Digivolve to : Mega Dramon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon

  - Kabuterimon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 19:00 - 10:00
    Possible Digimon: Biyomon, Kunemon
    Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Kunemon
    Digivolving Items: Horn Helmet
    Finishing Technique: Electro Shocker
    Digivolve to : Metal Mamemon, Hercules Kabuterimmon,

  - Garuramon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Gabumon, Penguinmon
    Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Mp 1000, Speed 100
    Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 %
    Digivolving Items: Blue Crystal
    Finishing Technique: Howling Blaster
    Digivolve to : Skull Greymon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon

  - Frigimon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
    Possible Digimon: Penguinmon
    Care Mistakes: 4 to 5
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Mp 1000, Brains 100
    Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
    Digivolving Items: Ice Crystal
    Finishing Technique: SubZero Ice Punch
    Digivolve to : Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Vademon

  - Birdramon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Agumon, Biyomon
    Care Mistakes: 3+
    Body Weight: 20g
    Condition: Speed 100
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Biyomon
    Digivolving Items: Flaming Wings
    Finishing Technique: Meteor Wing
    Digivolve to : Phoenixmon, Vademon

  - Whamon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Palmon, Betamon, Penguinmon
    Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
    Body Weight: 40g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Brains 100
    Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 60 %
    Digivolving Items: North Star
    Finishing Technique: Blasting Spout
    Digivolve to : Mamemon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon

  - Vegiemon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
    Possible Digimon: Kunemon, Palmon
    Care Mistakes: 5+
    Body Weight: 10g
    Condition: Mp 1000
    Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
    Digivolving Items: Organic Fertilizer
    Finishing Technique: Sweet Breath
    Digivolve to : Piximon, Vademon

  - Unimon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Patamon, Biyomon
    Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Speed 100
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
    Digivolving Items: Unihorn
    Finishing Technique: Aerial Attack
    Digivolve to : Phoenixmon, Giromon, Vademon

  - Centarumon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon
    Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Brains 100
    Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 60 %
    Digivolving Items: Iron Hoof
    Finishing Technique: Solar Ray
    Digivolve to : Andromon, Giromon

  - Ogremon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
    Possible Digimon: Gabummon, Patamon
    Care Mistakes: 5+
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Offense 100
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 15+
    Digivolving Items: Spike Club
    Finishing Technique: Pummel Whack
    Digivolve to : Andromon, Giromon, Vademon

  - Bakemon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: Elecmon, Tanemon
    Care Mistakes: 3+
    Body Weight: 20g
    Condition: Mp 1000
    Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
    Digivolving Items: Torn Tatter
    Finishing Technique: Dark Claw
    Digivolve to : Skull Greymon, Giromon, Vademon

  - Shellmon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
    Possible Digimon: Betamon, Penguinmon
    Care Mistakes: 5+
    Body Weight: 40g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100
    Bonus Condition: Corrent Digimon- Betamon
    Digivolving Items: Red Shell
    Finishing Technique: Hydro Pressure
    Digivolve to : Hercules Kabuterimon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon

  - Drimogemon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: Gabumon, Betamon
    Care Mistakes: 3+
    Body Weight: 40g
    Condition: Offense 100
    Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 %
    Digivolving Items: Steel Drill
    Finishing Technique: Drill Spin
    Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, vademon

  - Monochromon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon
    Care Mistakes: 2 to 3
    Body Weight: 40g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100, Brains 100
    Bonus Condition: Any Rookie Digimon can Digivolve to
                     Monochremon when its discipline gauge at
                     100 % and a Defense 500+
    Digivolving Items: Mono Stone
    Finishing Technique: Volcanic Strike
    Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Metal Mamemon, Vademon

  - Kokaterimon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
    Possible Digimon: Elecmon, Biyomon
    Care Mistakes: 3+
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Hp 1000
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Biyomon
    Digivolving Items: Rooster
    Finishing Technique: Frozen Fire Shot
    Digivolve to : Piximon, Phoenixmon, Vademon

  - Leomon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Patamon, Elecmon
    Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
    Body Weight: 20g
    Condition: Offense 100, Speed 100, Brains 100
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+
    Digivolving Items: Flaming Mane
    Finishing Technique: Fist of the Beast King
    Digivolve to : Mamemon, Andromon,Saber Leomon ( ???? ),

  - Kuwagamon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: Kunemon, Palmon
    Care Mistakes: 5+
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000, Offense 100, Speed 100
    Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Kunemon
    Digivolving Items: Scissor Jaw
    Finishing Technique: Scissor Claw
    Digivolve to : Piximon, Hercules Kabuterimon, Vademon

  - Moyjamon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
    Possible Digimon: Penguinmon
    Care Mistakes: 5+
    Body Weight: 20g
    Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less
    Digivolving Items: Hari Grower
    Finishing Technique: Bone Boomerang
    Digivolve to : Mamemon, Skull Greymon, Vademon

  - Coelamon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
    Possible Digimon: Palmon, Betamon
    Care Mistakes: 3+
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Defense 100
    Bonus Condition: A Whamon or Shellmon has 30 % to Digivolve
                     to Coelamon when 360 hours have passed
                     since Digivolve from Champion form
    Digivolving Items: Hard Scale
    Finishing Technique: Ice Fist
    Digivolve to : Mega Seadramon, Vademon

  - Ninjamon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
    Possible Digimon: Palmon
    Care Mistakes: 0 to 1
    Body Weight: 10g
    Condition: Mp 1000, Offense 100, Speed 100
    Bonus Condition: A Vegiomon has 30 % to Digivolve to
                     Ninjamon after fighting 50+ battles and
                     its discipline gauge is at 100 %
    Digivolving Items: Koga's Laws
    Finishing Technique: Koga Star
    Digivolve to : Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Piximon, Vademon

  - Nanimon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
    Possible Digimon: All Rookie Digimon
    Care Mistakes: Variable
    Body Weight: Variable
    Condition: Digivolves when you scold your Digimon
               ( happiness and discipline gauge must be zero )
    Bonus Condition: N/A
    Digivolving Items: Sunglasess
    Finishing Technique: Poop
    Digivolve to : Digitamamon, Vademon

  - Sukamon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: All Digimon
    Care Mistakes: " Field Poops " reaches 16 or more
    Body Weight: variable
    Condition: " Field Poops " reaches 16 or more
    Bonus Condition: N/A
    Digivolving Items: N/a
    Finishing Technique: Party Time
    Digivolve to : Etemon, Vademon

  - Numemon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
    Possible Digimon: All rookie Digimon
    Care Mistakes: Variable
    Body Weight: Varable
    Condition: When a Digivolution time ends, a Digimon
               will into a Numemon when it has met no other
               Digivolution condition
    Bonus Condition: N/A
    Digivolving Items: N/A
    Finishing Technique: Poop
    Digivolve to : Monzaemon, Vademon


 There are EIGHT-TEEN Ultimate Digimon. The following list will
tell you 100 % on how to get 12 Ultimate, with the 6 others, I'm not 100
% sure.

 Vademon is the only Ultimate Digimon that is accesable with the
29 Champion Digimon.

 There are THREE SECRETS Digimon that is not on the Digimon list.
They are Metal Etemon, Giga Dramon, and Saber Leomon. I also marked them
with ( ???? ) on my list. I can only tell you the items. I got these
Digimon by using GAMESHARK. Refer to my gameshark list if you wish to get

  - Vademon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: All Champion Digimon
    Care Mistakes: variable
    Body Weight: variable
    Condition: All Champion Digimon can Digivolves to
               Vademon after 360 hours elapse as a
               Champion Digimon
    Bonus Condition: N/A
    Digivolving Items: Beam GUN
    Finishing Technique: Abduction Beam

  - Digitamamon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Nanimon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 10g
    Condition: Hp 3000, Mp 3000, Offense 100, Defense 400
               Speed 400, Brains 300
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 100+
    Digivolving Items: Mysty Egg
    Finishing Technique: Nightmare Syndrome

  - Monzaemon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Numemon
    Care Mistakes: 0
    Body Weight: 40g
    Condition: Hp 3000, Mp 3000, Offense 300, Defense 300,
               Speed 300, Brains 300
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 50+
    Digivolving Items: x Bandage
    Finishing Technique: Lovely Attack

  - Etemon
    Type: virus
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Sukamon
    Care Mistakes: No Limits
    Body Weight: 15g
    Condition: Hp 2000, Mp 1000, Offense 400, Defense 200
               Speed 400, Brains 300
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 30+
    Digivolving Items: Gold Banana
    Finishing Technique: Love Serenade
    DIGVOLVE TO: Metal Etemon ( ???? )

  - Metal Greymon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
    Possible Digimon: Greymon, Monochromon, Tyranomon,
    Care Mistakes: 10 or less
    Body Weight: 65g
    Condition: Hp 4000, Mp 3000, Offense 500, Defense 500
               Speed 300, Brains 300
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 30+
    Digivolving Items: Metal Parts
    Finishing Technique: Giga Scissor Claw

  - Skull Greymon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: Greymon, Devimon, Moyjamon, Bakemon,
    Care Mistakes: 10+
    Body Weight: 30g
    Condition: Hp 4000, Mp 6000, Offense 400, Defense 400
               Speed 200, Brains 500
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 40+
    Digivolving Items: Fatal Bone
    Finishing Technique: Dark Shot

  - Mamemon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, Whamon,
    Care Mistakes: 15+
    Body Weight: 5g
    Condition: Offense 400, Defense 300, Speed 300, Brains 400
    Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 95 %
    Digivolving Items: Silver Ball
    Finishing Technique: Smiley Bomb

  - Metal Mamemon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Monochromon, Ninjamon, Kabuterimon, Frigimon
    Care Mistakes: 15 or less
    Body Weight: 10g
    Condition: Offense 500, Defense 400, Speed 400, Brains 400
    Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 95 %
    Digivolving Items: Metal Armor
    Finishing Technique: Energy Bomb

  - Andromon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Meramon, Centarumon, Ogremon, Leomon,
    Care Mistakes: 5 or less
    Body Weight: 40g
    Condition: Hp 2000, Mp 4000, Offense 200, Defense 400,
               Speed 200, Brains 400
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 30+
    Digivolving Items: Cyber Parts
    Finishing Technique: Spiral Sword

  - Giromon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00
    Possible Digimon: Centarumon, Ogremon, Bakemon, Unimon
    Care Mistakes: 15+
    Body Weight: 5g
    Condition: Offense 400, Speed 300, Brains 300
    Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 95 %, Battles- 100+
    Digivolving Items: Chainsaw
    Finishing Technique: Deadly Bomb

  - Mega Dramon
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00
    Possible Digimon: Tyranomon, Devimon, AirDramon, Seadramon
    Care Mistakes: 10 or less
    Body Weight: 55g
    Condition: Hp 3000, Mp 5000, Offense 500, Defense 300
               Speed 400, Brains 400
    Bonus Condition: Battles- 30+
    Digivolving Items: Mega Hand
    Finishing Technique: Rocket Attack
    DIGIVOLVE TO: Giga Dramon ( ???? )

  - Piximon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00
    Possible Digimon: Kokatorimon, Vegiemon, Ninjamon, Kuwagamon
    Care Mistakes: 15+
    Body Weight: 5g
    Condition: Offense 300, Defense 300, Speed 400, Brains 400
    Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 95 %
    Digivolving Items: Small Spear
    Finishing Technique: Bit Bomb

  - Mega Seadramon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00
    Possible Digimon: Seadramon, Coelamon, Whamon, Sehllmon,
    Care Mistakes: ????
    Body Weight: ????
    Condition: ????
    Bonus Condition: ????
    Digivolving Items: Coral Charm
    Finishing Technique: Ice Storm

  - Hercules Kabuterimon
    Type: Data
    Active Hours: 19:00 - 10:00
    Possible Digimon: Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Shellmon
    Care Mistakes: ????
    Body Weight: ????
    Condition: HP 3500, MP 2500 ,Offense 250, Defense 250,
               Brains 200, Speed 200
    Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- minimum
    Digivolving Items: Beetle Pearl
    Finishing Technique: Giga Blaster

  - Phoenixmon
    Type: Vaccine
    Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00
    Possible Digimon: Birdramon, Airdramon, Kokatorimon, Angemon,
    Care Mistakes: ????
    Body Weight: ????
    Condition: ????
    Bonus Condition: ????
    Digivolving Items: Red Ruby
    Finishing Technique: Crimson Flare

  - Metal Etemon ( ???? )
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: ????
    Possible Digimon: Etemon ( Ultimate Digimon )
    Care Mistakes: ????
    Body Weight: ????
    Condition: ????
    Bonus Condition: ????
    Digivolving Items: Metal Banana
                       ( Refer to my Gameshark list )
    Finishing Technique: Dark Network

  - Giga Dramon  ( ???? )
    Type: Virus
    Active Hours: ????
    Possible Digimon: Mega Dramon ( Ultimate Digimon )
    Care Mistakes: ????
    Body Weight: ????
    Condition: ????
    Bonus Condition: ????
    Digivolving Items: Giga Hand
                       ( Refer to my Gameshark list )
    Finishing Technique: Genocide Attack


 These are all the items list that can Digivolve a Digimon. I also
put some information for the item, I hope these information can help you
in raising your Digimon.

To get POINTS from Shogun Gekomon, you have to trade your cards. The points

  - S Rank for 100 points
  - A Rank for 30  points
  - B Rank for 10  points
  - C Rank for 5   points
  - D rank for 1   points

Item Name              |Desciption                  |Additional Effect        |Item Location
                       |                            |                         |
Grey Claws             |Digivolve to Greymon        |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win DINO CUP in Greymon's battle arena
Fireball               |Digivolve to Meramon        |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win FIRE CUP in Greymon's battle arena
Flaming Wings          |Digivolve to Birdamon       |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Treasure Hunt in Normal or Special course
Iron Hoof              |Digivolve to Centarumon     |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win VER 3 CUP in Greymon's battle arena
Mono Stone             |Digivolve to Monochromon    |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win VER 4 CUP in Greymon's battle arena
Steel Drill            |Digivolve to Drimogomon     |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/win ANIMAL CUP in Greymon's battle arena
White Fang             |Digivolve to Tyranomon      |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win VER 1 CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Black Wings            |Digivolve to Devimon        |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win HUMAN CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Spike Club             |Digivolve to Ogremon        |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win GRAPPLE CUP in Greymon's battle arena
Flaming Mane           |Digivolve to Leomon         |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win GRADE A In Greymon's battle arena
White Wings            |Digivolve to Angemon        |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win WING CUP in Greymon's battle arena
Torn Tatter            |Digivolve to Bakemon        |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Treasure Hunt in Normal or Special course
Rainbowhorn            |Digivolve to Airdramon      |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Buy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
Rooster                |Digivolve to Kokatorimon    |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Win Curling with Penguinmon in File City
Unihorn                |Digivolve to Unimon         |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win THUNDER CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Horn Helmet            |Digivolve to Kabuterimon    |Works ONLY for Rookie    |The second prize for the tournament in Bettle Land
Scissor Jaw            |Digivolve to Kuwagamon      |Works ONLY for Rookie    |The second prize for the tournament in Bettle Land
Fertilizer             |Digivolve to Vegiemon       |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win NATURE CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Koga's Laws            |Digivolve to Ninjamon       |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Treasure Hunt in Normal or Special course
Water Bottle           |Digivolve to Seadramon      |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Buy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
North Star             |Digivolve to Whamon         |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win COOL CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Red Shell              |Digivolve to Shellmon       |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Buy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
Hard Scale             |Digivolve to Coelamon       |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Buy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
Blue Crystal           |Digivolve to Garurumon      |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win VER 2 CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Ice Crystal            |Digivolve to Frigimon       |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Buy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
Hair Grower            |Digivolve to Moyjamon       |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Trade to Moyjamon ( 3rd Moyjamon )
Sunglasses             |Digivolve to Nanimon        |Works ONLY for Rookie    |Enter/Win DIRTY CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Metal Parts            |Digivolve to Metal Greymon  |Works ONLY for Champion  |Enter/Win GRADE S in Greymon's batte arena
Fatal Bone             |Digivolve to Skull Greymon  |Works ONLY for Champion  |Enter/Win GRADE S in Greymon's batte arena
Cyber Parts            |Digivolve to Andromon       |Works ONLY for Champion  |Enter/Win METRIC CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Mega Hand              |Digivolve to Megadramon     |Works ONLY for Champion  |Enter/Win GRADE S in Greymon's batte arena
Silver Ball            |Digivolve to Mamemon        |Works ONLY for Champion  |Win Curling with Metal Mamemon in File City
Metal Armor            |Digivolve to Metal Mamemon  |Works ONLY for Champion  |Win Curling with Metal Mamemon in File City
Chainsaw               |Digivolve to Giromon        |Works ONLY for Champion  |Win Curling with Metal Mamemon in File City
Small Spear            |Digivolve to Piximon        |Works ONLY for Champion  |Win Curling with Metal Mamemon in File City
X Bandage              |Digivolve to Monzaemon      |Works ONLY for Champion  |Talk to a Toy Agumon after defeating Warumonzaemon
Ray Gun                |Digivolve to Vademon        |Works ONLY for Champion  |Find it in the BACK DIMENSION
Gold Banana            |Digivolve to Etemon         |Works ONLY for Champion  |Etemon Sells it for 50,000 bits
Mysty Egg              |Digivolve to Digitamamon    |Works ONLY for Champion  |Whamon's secret cave in a PC
Red Ruby               |Digivolve to Phonixmon      |Works ONLY for Champion  |Enter/WIN VER 0 CUP in Greymon's batte arena
Bettle Pearl           |Digivolve to H-Kabuterimon  |Works ONLY for Champion  |Enter/Win the Tournament in Beetle Land
Coral Charm            |Digivolve to Mega Seadramon |Works ONLY for Champion  |Fishing in the Dragon Eye Lake
Metal Banana           |Digivolve to Metal Etemon   |Works ONLY for Champion  |???? ( Refer to my Gameshark section )
Noble Mane             |Digivolve to Panjyamon      |Works ONLY for Champion  |???? ( Refer to my Gameshark section )
Giga Hand              |Digivolve to Gigadramon     |Works ONLY for Champion  |???? ( Refer to my Gameshark section )

         This codes has been tested with GS Ver 3.2

 To use these codes, you have to change your item in your

If you use the code for the 10th item but there is no item in your 10th
inventory slot, the quantity will be marked by 0 but you still can use it.
There is a bad thing in that way, you can't store it in Agumon's bank.
Change the ** with the item codes
Example: I you want to get Metal Banana to be your at the 1st item slot,
change the 3013D474 00** to be 3013D474 007F. Because, 7F is the code for
Metal Banana.

  - Item slot codes    |  - Item digit codes
    -Slot 1            |    47 = Grey Claws    |   5C = North Star     |   70 = Beetlepearl
     3013D474 00**     |    48 = Fireball      |   5D = Red Shell      |   71 = Coral Charm
    -Slot 2            |    49 = Flamingwing   |   5E = Hard Scale     |   7D = Giga Hand
     3013D475 00**     |    4A = Iron Hoof     |   5F = Bluecrystal    |   7E = Noble Mane
    -Slot 3            |    4B = Mono Stone    |   60 = Ice Crystal    |   7F = Metal Banana
     3013D476 00**     |    4C = Steel Drill   |   61 = Hair Grower    |
    -Slot 4            |    4D = White Fang    |   62 = Sunglasses     |
     3013D477 00**     |    4E = Black Wing    |   63 = Metal Part     |
    -Slot 5            |    4F = Spike Club    |   64 = Fatal Bone     |
     3013D478 00**     |    50 = Flamingmane   |   65 = Cyber Part     |
    -Slot 6            |    51 = White Wing    |   66 = Mega Hand      |
     3013D479 00**     |    52 = Torn Tatter   |   67 = Silver Ball    |
    -Slot 7            |    54 = Rainbowhorn   |   68 = Metal Armor    |
     3013D47A 00**     |    55 = Rooster       |   69 = Chainsaw       |
    -Slot 8            |    56 = Unihorn       |   6A = Small Spear    |
     3013D47B 00**     |    57 = Horn Helmet   |   6B = X Bandage      |
    -Slot 9            |    58 = Scissor Jaw   |   6C = Ray Gun        |
     3013D47C 00**     |    59 = Fertilizer    |   6D = Gold Banana    |
    -Slot 10           |    5A = Kogalaws      |   6E = Mysty Egg      |
     3013D47D 00**     |    5B - Water Bottle  |   6F = Red Ruby       |

For more gameshark codes for Digimon, Visits:
for gameshark codes.

  This code has been tested with GS Ver 3.2

 I also provide codes for Digimon's stats, so you'll feel easier
on raising your Digimon to be the best a Digimon could be.

  - Max Offense                       |  - Have All Attacks
    801557E0 03E7                     |    30155800 00FF
                                      |    30155801 00FF
  - Max Defense                       |    30155802 00FF
    801557E2 03E7                     |    30155803 00FF
                                      |    30155804 00FF
  - Max Speed                         |    30155805 00FF
    801557E4 03E7                     |    30155806 00FF
                                      |    30155807 00FF
  - Max Brains                        |
    801557E6 03E7                     |  - Always Have Finish
                                      |    8013D65A 0AF1
  - Max HP                            |
    801557F0 270F                     |  - Have All Digimon On
                                      |    The Chart/All Evolved
  - Max MP                            |    301BE00D 00FF
    801557F2 270F                     |    801BE00E FFFF
                                      |    801BE010 FFFF
  - Infinite HP                       |    801BE012 FFFF
    801557F4 270F                     |    301BE014 00FF
  - Infinite MP                       |
    801557F6 270F                     |
  - Max Bits                          |
    80134EB8 E0FF                     |
    80134EBA 05F5                     |
  - Best Happiness                    |
    8013848A 0064                     |
  - Best Discipline                   |
    80138488 0000                     |

REMEMBER!!! The better your Digimon's discipline, the faster your Digimon
will fade away, and if it is too low, it will be harder to be trained and
harder to be controlled in a battle.

           REQUEST HELP

 Please help me to fill the ( ???? ) on the item list. Also, if
you want to help the ( ???? ) on the Digivolution list, I have to test it
for 100 % sure. I'll be glad if anyone want to help, not only you help me,
but you also help everyone that need to complete their Digimon chart in
the Digimon World Game.

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